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1400 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet argumentsSep 10, 2006
GaoYellow - Rangers Strike Card1194 viewsOne of my favoritesSep 08, 2006
The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics816 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.Sep 07, 2006
Proposed Mystic Force Toyline - Legend Rangers1915 viewsMy idea for a new line of combining weapons.
Personally I like the switching-head figures a LOT, I just think the combining weapons needed work.Aug 26, 2006
Reverse Dimension Dairanger1277 viewsIn a parallell universe, the Rangers had lost their powers, and their Morphers been crushed, the evil wizard Zordon gave them the Aura Changers, and transformed to Reverse Dimesion Dairanger. From L to R: Turquoise Dragon Ranger (Rocky), Red-Orange Lion Ranger (Adam), Yellow Unicorn Ranger (Billy), Blue Griffin Ranger (Aisha), and Green Firebird Ranger (Kimberly).Aug 25, 2006
Reverse Dimension Ultrazord654 viewsThe Ultrazord is the combined form of the Mega Dragonzord and Titanus and is the Evil Power Rangers most powerful zord combination.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord793 viewsWhen the Tyrannosaurus Zord was destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters it was rebuilt and upgraded into the Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord. Can change into warrior mode and can combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Mega Thunderzord.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Thunerzords690 viewsWhen the Dino Zords were destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters, they were rebuilt and upgraded into Thunderzords: Mastodon became Lion, Pteradactyl became Icebird, Triceratops became Unicorn and Sabre Tooth Tiger became Griffin. Can form the Thunderzord Assault Team and can combine with the Turquoise Dragon to form the Mega Thunder ZordAug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Mega Thunderzord741 viewsThe combined form of the 5 Thunderzords, wields a new power sword.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Black Ranger1761 viewsIn a parallell universe, Tommy Oliver, the Pink Ranger lost his powers and left the other rangers. But when the other Rangers couldn't handle Lord Zedd, Zordon gave him the powers of the Black Panther and a enchanted (swearing) sabre called Saba.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Dino Zords910 viewsThe Dino Zords are collosal dinosaur assault vehicles the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers pilot to fight Giant Good Monsters. Can combine into a tank or the Megazord. Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Dragonzord693 viewsThe Dragonzord is the Pink Ranger's personal zord that he can summon by playing the Dragon Dagger. Can combine with Saber Tooth Tiger, Triceratops and Mastodon zords to form Dragonzord Fighting Mode.Aug 23, 2006
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