Battle Fever J chibi1435 views
Battle Grid Troopers (season 2)7759 viewsWhat If Ryan got a new Battle Grid suit in season 2 based on his Shaider armor.
Battle Grid Ryan (season 2) helmet.7275 viewsSame with the last one here's ryan's battle grid helmet.
Bear Zord / Ram Zord2471 viewsThe Bear is the Zord of the Green Cyber Claw Ranger. He posesses the Power of the Ground and is very strong. The Ram is the Zord of the Yellow Cyber Claw Ranger. He posseses the Power of Lightning and is very fast. His Horns can be used as Double Hammer.
Both become the Legs in the Cyber Claw Megazord
Beast Zords2931 viewsHere the first scetch of the Beast Zords who combine into Beast Rage Megazord. Plz tell me what I could change on the design. I wanna hear some critic^^
1415 viewsbefore after
Johnny yong bosch
Garo Armored Fearcat1810 views
Chibi Battle Fever J V.21529 viewsYes. I made Battle Kenya's gloves, boots, chest part, part of his "ears", and "K" on his belt buckle green.
"4Ever Big One!"746 viewsThis is the only Sentai morph of me that I've done so far, and it's of me in the Big One's power ranger costume. If anybody has ever wondered what I look like while morphing into various Power Ranger/Sentai Ranger costumes, now they have some kind of idea. 8)
Billy as the Blue Turbo Ranger1903 viewsFor all you Billy Fans or Justin-Haters this is for you.
Bioman chibi1356 views
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