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Reverse Dimension Yellow Mighty Morphin Ranger1447 viewsIn a parallell universe Billy Cranston was given the Triceratops power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the Evil Yellow Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
Morphers1595 views
Mighty Morphing Morph1157 viewsI Take This 6 Photos And Put Them Together
Mugen Ranger502 viewsThis is the Ranger of Dai Mugen. I was hoping that someone could make him and the other four as live-action pictures.
Mugen Ranger523 viewsDai Mugen's Ranger if he had one. I was hoping someone could design a Live action picture of him.
Negative Finster!567 viewsUnlike Finster in the positive universe, Retsnif is self-serving & only thinks of overthrowing the good witch Asluper Atir & setting up an empire all over the universe! Retsnif even made a potion to make Radlog (Goldar's Negative,) & Aniprocs (Scorpina's Negative,) to obey only Retsnif & purposely throw their fights against the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!
Negative Rita!575 viewsAt the same time Rita Repulsa was casting the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe, the good sorceress Asluper Atir was trying to draw the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe in order to stop the negative Power Rangers from causing any more damage to Earth, before all hope is lost!
Negative Shellshock!539 viewsOne of many heroic outcasts Asluper Atir's loyal helpers Oobab & Tauqs made to try to stop the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from spreading any more evil on negative Earth! Unfortunately, despite the many special abilities Cohslehs had, he was still killed by the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!
Negative Tommy!625 viewsWhen the good witch Asluper Atir needed help fighting the Negative Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, she saw a promising young student in Ymmot (Tommy's negative,) & knew he'd make a great warrior if she turned him to good. Unfortunately, even with Ymmot's help it's not enough to keep the Negative Power Ranger's from bringing evil to the negative Earth!
Neo-Dinozords1247 viewsNeo Power Rangers, my own fanfic;

in a 2nd season, the primary enemy has found the hidden location of the lost Titanus, and uses it for its own evil purposes. And so Dimitria and Alpha 5 (who have returned to earth in a 1st season) give live to new dinozords to battle against Titanus.
Neo Dino Megazord1098 viewsthe neo-dinozords combine together to form the Neo Dino Megazord
611 files on 51 page(s) 28