Sam SWAT Mode1238 views
All JF Rangers1258 views8 Rangers wallpaper
Lion King Ripoff1056 views
Gao Red - Rangers Strike artwork1473 views
Chibi Gaoranger Wallpaper1908 views
Aaron's Secret Weapons: GekiKnives & GekiSword1346 viewsIn the spirit of the GekiNunchuks, I've designed two more weapons (well, sets of weapons) for GekiBlue and Yellow based on the Cheetah and Jaguar - the twin GekiKnives and the GekiSword (think Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon). Some of you might notice that the GekiSword scabbard even mimics GekiJaguar's shades when it comes off.
GekiRed with GekiFire Battliser1212 viewsBasically jumping the ol' BoA gun here - we've got the gorilla for body armor, the gazelle as a punching arm, and the penguin's hoverboard as a sword. It's just a preliminary sketch, sort of.
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers: GekiFire Rangers1099 views'Nuff said.
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers: GekiSurf (GekiShark Ranger)1009 viewsNo video game characters, no DX toy to study, just a shot of GekiShark Ranger straight up.
Aaron's Secret Rangers: GekiDark (GekiBat ranger)1116 viewsAnother season of sentai, another round of Secret Rangers. This one was inspired when I brought home a DX GekiBat - then realised there wasn't enough natural lighting in any part of my house to study it closely with. Hence the name GekiDark.
"Be like the wind, invisible and unpredictable. Shadowless Form... GekiDark."
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